Wayne County Schools Career Center

Guiding Career Transition to Manufacturing

After he made the decision to drop out of high school, Chris Garrett worked in the food services industry for over a decade, eventually ending up scraping by working two jobs. But, after his daughter was born, he was determined to set an example. Learn how Chris’s training at Wayne County Schools Career Center connected him to a fabulous new career in manufacturing!

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GROB: Apprenticeships Prepare Students for Technician-Level Jobs

GROB's apprenticeship program is designed to prepare students for technician-level jobs within the company.


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Cincinnati State Technical and Community College: Braided funding: a success story

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College has leveraged funding from a variety of sources to meet talent and technology needs of companies in the advanced manufacturing space. This has led to opportunities for cross-team collaboration within institutions, and lays the groundwork for the sustainability of...


Zane Army Veteran Rober Guy

Zane State College: Army veteran Robert Guy

Robert Guy, a United States Army veteran (1983-1986), became a displaced worker after being laid off from EMCO USA in 2014. Guy became eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance after his layoff, and decided to put these benefits to use at Zane State College. Guy enrolled...