Success stories
We’re proud of the partnerships, innovative solutions and collaboration we’re helping grow in Ohio. But most of all, we’re proud of the innovative ways people are tackling their toughest challenges.
We’re proud of the partnerships, innovative solutions and collaboration we’re helping grow in Ohio. But most of all, we’re proud of the innovative ways people are tackling their toughest challenges.
Honda's co-op program prepared Matthew for a full-time Equipment Service Tech position with the opportunity to expand his technical skills via Honda's 4-year technical development program.
ARCH Cutting Tools values collaboration with WCOMP in addressing the talent gaps in the west central Ohio region.
Midmark participates in Upper Valley Career Center's School-to-Apprenticeship program where students can complete up to one year of apprenticeship credit during their senior year by learning competencies necessary for entry-level employment in technical fields.
After he made the decision to drop out of high school, Chris Garrett worked in the food services industry for over a decade, eventually ending up scraping by working two jobs.
Rhodes State College (RSC) has seen an increase in apprenticeships in recent years. Employer partners include Grob Systems, Ford Motor Company, Production Products, Inc., Progressive Stamping, Inc., Dana Holdings, Koneta Rubber, DTR, Coldwater Machine, Whirlpool, and Miller Precision The apprentice program is part of an...
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College has leveraged funding from a variety of sources to meet talent and technology needs of companies in the advanced manufacturing space. This has led to opportunities for cross-team collaboration within institutions, and lays the groundwork for the sustainability of...
One of most compelling aspect of LCCC’s recent work with adult learners has been building on the strong bonds it forms with employers. LCCC’s TRAIN Ohio Earn & Learn program is a replicable Ohio TechNet initiative that connects students with work-based learning opportunities in manufacturing...
TRAIN OH is a learn-and-earn model that blends school and work into a 21st century hybrid activity, where companies and educators integrate activities in both space and time. Following successful completion of their first year, students take a full-time course load while participating in class 2...
Accelerated training and strong industry partnership has led to student success at Cuyahoga County Community College (Tri-C). Tri-C has replicated a successful model of creating credit bearing, stackable certificates of training awards in alignment with the American Welding Society National Certifications. Each student can achieve...
The Ohio TechNet TAACCCT grant has allowed Lakeland Community College to expand their partnership with regional employers who have a need for welders. Lakeland’s Associate of Technical Studies degree features short-term technical welding programs, American Welding Society certification preparation, and career coaching. This program is...
Leveraging investments made by the Ohio Department of Higher Education in state of the art educational facilities, a highly innovative academic team, strong economic development and employer partners and the collaborative infrastructure of Ohio TechNet, Lorain County Community College was able to rapidly deploy an...
Ohio TechNet Grant funding was a critical piece in bringing Stark State College’s new manufacturing lab to fruition, said Dr. Para M. Jones, the College’s president. “Thanks to the U.S. Department of Labor TAACCCT funding received under the Ohio TechNet Grant, Stark State was able...
Machine Concepts is an industry-leading, engineering-based machinery builder that partners with manufacturers around the world to design and build cutting-edge machines to operate in the most demanding manufacturing environments.
Robert Guy, a United States Army veteran (1983-1986), became a displaced worker after being laid off from EMCO USA in 2014. Guy became eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance after his layoff, and decided to put these benefits to use at Zane State College. Guy enrolled...
Columbus State Community College has developed partnerships with government and community organizations such as Central Ohio Workforce Investment Corporation (COWIC)/OhioMeansJobs, Columbus Urban League, and the Ohio Association of Food Banks (OAFB) to assist in participant recruitment. These relationships are key to connecting with transitioning adults,...
As a result of Ohio TechNet participation, two Sinclair branches — Workforce Development and Sinclair Academia—which have historically worked as separate entities, have come together organizationally and functionally to offer competency-based programs serving Advanced Manufacturing students. A direct result of this collaborative effort, is the...
The TAACCCT grants have significantly impacted Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC) and the surrounding communities will benefit from this investment. Through TAACCCT funding, Eastern Gateway was able to develop a machining lab and a welding lab equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. EGCC has been working with...
Owens Community College has successfully braided funding to improve welding and CNC/machining training. Through Ohio TechNet, the Department of Labor contributed approximately $62,500 in equipment and the Gene Haas Foundation contributed more than $28,000 in scholarships and equipment. Funding was also leveraged to establish a...
There is a better way to learn at Northwest State Community College. Hybrid classes deliver training to employees in a way that keeps them on the job as they learn. Traditional models require students to leave work or family and to spend hours in a...
GROB's apprenticeship program is designed to prepare students for technician-level jobs within the company.