Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

Braided funding: a success story

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College has leveraged funding from a variety of sources to meet talent and technology needs of companies in the advanced manufacturing space. This has led to opportunities for cross-team collaboration within institutions, and lays the groundwork for the sustainability of Ohio TechNet innovations.

Cincinnati State opened its state-of-the-art welding lab on its Clifton campus in April 2016. The new lab serves students in the college’s associate degree program, as well as those enrolled in short-term certificate programs. The facility offers 12 welding booths and virtual welding resources. This project incorporated braided funding from the TAACCCT grant, the State of Ohio, and a private donor via the Cincinnati State Foundation. Contributions from the TAACCCT grant helped purchase $164,000 in equipment and other sources totaled to $197,532.

Training at this state-of-the-art facility is connecting students to higher paying jobs!

Lauren was working 20 hours per week earning $4/hour plus tips as a waitress when she started the Accelerated Welding program. Coming into the program with the advantage of having some welding background at a local career center, Lauren had a great foundation in the fundamentals of welding. However, she needed to fine tune those skills if she had any hope of finding a full time welding position. Lauren enrolled in the first Accelerated Welding Cohort and did very well in the class. She worked with the Job Coach shortly after completing the coursework and started getting calls for interviews right away. Lauren accepted an offer with Eastern Sheet Metal at $14.40/hr. Now as a welder, she has a set income and is succeeding in a career field of her choice.

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