Zane State College

Army veteran Robert Guy

Robert Guy, a United States Army veteran (1983-1986), became a displaced worker after being laid off from EMCO USA in 2014. Guy became eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance after his layoff, and decided to put these benefits to use at Zane State College.

Guy enrolled in Zane State College’s Industrial Systems Engineering Technology program, which built on skills he’d acquired at EMCO. He also opted for an additional major in Welding. Both programs were enhanced using TAACCCT grant funding. Guy became an exemplary student, making the Dean’s List every semester. He graduated with Associate’s degrees in both fields on May 7, 2016, with a 3.958 GPA and summa cum laude honors. He also earned a certification as an AWS D 1.5 Bridge Welder during his tenure at Zane State College.

The program helped me get back on my feet,” says Guy. He credits faculty members Deanna Duche and Mark Gerko with making his academic success possible. “I chose the ISET/WELD programs because the job market was…favorable for this area,” he says.

Upon graduation, Robert Guy received three job offers. One offer was for a position generally reserved for applicants with bachelor’s degrees, but Guy’s resume wowed the search committee. Robert Guy ultimately landed at LMI in Cambridge, where he uses the skills he learned in both areas.

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