Eastern Gateway Community College

Articulation agreements provide pathways to success

The TAACCCT grants have significantly impacted Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC) and the surrounding communities will benefit from this investment. Through TAACCCT funding, Eastern Gateway was able to develop a machining lab and a welding lab equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. EGCC has been working with the Mahoning Valley Manufactures Coalition to develop specialized programs for business for the non-credit training of their employees as well as being able to offer new students different pathways of specialization in manufacturing. EGCC is working with the local Ohio Mean Jobs office to develop several short term welding programs that will enable students to obtain the education and training they need to gain employment, in a reduced amount of time. EGCC is still running its accredited Associate Degree program and looks to bolster the numbers of participants as time goes on.

EGCC is also working on articulation agreements between the local career and technical centers as well as Youngstown State University (YSU), providing more options for students and businesses. The development of the articulations between the career and tech centers will allow students to expedite their training. The coordination between YSU and EGCC will allow the students to have options beyond just the two year degree.

All of the programs listed above have enabled EGCC to reach a diverse population of students from the Youngstown area and surrounding communities. As we continue to grow our programs, the ability for students to get comprehensive training as well as specialized training will allow them to succeed in manufacturing.

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