Partnering with Industry

Building Ohio's Manufacturing Talent

Success Powered by Partnership

By collaborating with an Ohio TechNet (OTN) educational partner, industry can be part of designing the future of state education and workforce policies, eliminating barriers to employment and playing a more significant role in building the next generation of Ohio manufacturers.

OTN provides a learning community that supports member institutions as they partner with employers to develop innovative education and training programs that meet the needs of their industry partners and support the success of diverse learners.

OTN also serves as a partner and resource for state and national organizations who leverage the network to scale proven practices, solicit input on new initiatives and otherwise help drive innovation that meets the needs of our manufacturing sector.


Your participation helps build a better future.

  • More Ohioans equipped with the most in-demand skills needed by Ohio’s manufacturers
  • A pathway to prosperity as additional Ohioans are trained for family-sustaining manufacturing careers and wages
  • Expanded industry engagement resulting in more people earning credentials that demonstrate they have the skills employers need
  • Expansion of apprenticeships and other work-based learning programs, pairing expert employees with eager trainees as a key solution to Ohio’s skills gap challenge

National Partners

The Ohio TechNet consortium provides a one-stop-shop for national partners interested in connecting with Ohio’s educators to address the talent needs of the manufacturing industry.

Engaging Manufacturing USA institutes

Fostering innovation coast to coast, Manufacturing USA consists of a national network of linked manufacturing institutes. Each has a unique technological concentration, but is also designed to accelerate U.S. advanced manufacturing as a whole. Ohio TechNet currently partners with the following Manufacturing USA Institutes to advance innovative workforce solutions.

NextFlex is a consortium of companies, academic institutions, non-profits, and state, local and federal government partners with the shared goal of advancing the manufacture of flexible hybrid electronics in the U.S. Since its formation in 2015, the NextFlex community of technologists, educators, problem solvers and manufacturers have come together to collectively facilitate innovation, narrow the manufacturing workforce gap and promote sustainable manufacturing ecosystems.

Netflex Logo

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing
Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) is a member of Manufacturing USA, a network of institutes, each with a specialized technology focus. The institutes share one goal: to secure the future of manufacturing in the U.S. through innovation, collaboration and education. The ARM Institute accelerates the development and adoption of innovative robotics technologies that are the foundation of every advanced manufacturing activity today and in the future.

ARM: Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Logo

Ohio Defense Manufacturing Community
In September 2020, the State of Ohio earned a new designation by the U.S. Department of Defense that paves the way for long-term community investment opportunities that can strengthen national security innovation and expand the capabilities of defense manufacturing in the state. Ohio was named a Defense Manufacturing Community under a Department Defense program that commits to Ohio’s defense manufacturers and puts the state in position to receive a $5 million grant to improve manufacturing processes and train workers for next-generation jobs.

Operated by the American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute (ALMMII), LIFT is a nonprofit 501(c)3 public-private partnership between the U.S. Department of Defense, industry and academia, part of the national network of manufacturing innovation institutes, driving the U.S. mobility sector toward the future manufacturing revolution to support our nation’s economy and enhance our national security. LIFT’s mission is to advance technology and talent development – driving rapid implementation of smarter manufacturing.

lift: Lightweight Innovations For Tomorrow Logo

AmericaMakes is the nation’s leading and collaborative partner in additive manufacturing (AM). As the national accelerator for additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing (3DP), America Makes is the nation’s leading and collaborative partner in AM and 3DP technology research, discovery, creation, and innovation. Structured as a public-private partnership with member organizations from industry, academia, government, non-government agencies, and workforce and economic development resources, we are working together to innovate and accelerate AM and 3DP to increase our nation’s global manufacturing competitiveness.

America Makes Logo
Man writing in notebook

Innovative Earn-and-Learn Strategies: Example #1

Ohio Manufacturing Workforce Partnership

To build Ohio’s manufacturing talent pipeline, Ohio Manufacturing Workforce Partnership (OMWP) was a statewide initiative that upskilled 5,000 Ohioans through innovative earn-and-learn apprenticeship strategies. In 2019, OMWP awarded $12 Million to Scale Industry-Recognized Apprenticeships.
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Innovative Earn-and-Learn Strategies: Example #2

Experiential Advancement Readiness Network

The Experiential Advancement Readiness Network (EARN) project applied successful work-based learning models to recruit and prepare the next generation of manufacturing talent.

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Columbus State Community Based Partnerships

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OTN Consortium