Our Consortium

Collaboration Unlocks a More Competitive Future

Our strategic partnerships with educators are a critical component to solving the manufacturing workforce challenges in Ohio with collaborative, system-level solutions.

A Consortium of Educators

Ohio TechNet (OTN) is a consortium of career technical centers, Ohio Technical Centers, community colleges, and universities who have partnered with The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association (OMA) and other state and national partners to make Ohio a leader in solving our manufacturing workforce shortage.


Addressing a Need: Industry 4.0 Teacher Training

A lack of qualified instructors will impede Ohio’s ability to train workers for careers aligned to Industry 4.0. To address this issue, Lorain County Community College is partnering with Rockwell Automation, IST Ohio and FANUC America to provide statewide Industry 4.0 training in Automation and Robotics by delivering a blend of in-person and online learning where instructors of all levels (from high school through to university) will earn industry-recognized credentials and a nationally validated certification.

For more information, contact INDUSTRY4.0@LORAINCCC.EDU


Partner Schools

Want to Connect with Our Members?

Our education partners are helping prepare the next generation of manufacturers. To collaborate or start a program of your own, get contact information here.

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Apollo Career Center
Ashtabula County Technical & Career Center logo
Belmont College
Buckeye Career Center
Butler Tech
Central Ohio Technical College
Cincinnati State
Clark State College
Columbus State Community College Logo
Cuyahoga Community College
Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical Schools
Edison State Community College
Great Oaks Career Campuses
Green County Career Center
Hocking College
Kent State Univeristy Logo
Lakeland Community College
Mahoning County Career and Technical Center
Marion Technical College
Miami University
North Central State College
Northwest State
Ohio University
Owens Community College
Penta Career Center
Portage Lakes Career Center Logo
Rhodes State College
Rio Grande Community College
Shawnee State University
Sinclair Community College
Southern State Community College
Stark State
Terra State Community College
The Ohio State University
UT College of Engineering
Tolles Career & Technical Center
University of Akron
Washtington County Career Center logo
Washington State
Wayne County Schools Career Center
Wright State University
Zane State College Logo
Student at laptop

Your participation helps build a better future.

  • Make more Ohioans equipped with the most in-demand skills needed by Ohio’s manufacturers
  • A pathway to prosperity as additional Ohioans are trained for family-sustaining manufacturing careers and wages
  • Expanded industry engagement resulting in more people earning credentials that demonstrate they have the skills employers need
  • Expansion of apprenticeships and other work-based learning programs, pairing expert employees with eager trainees as a key solution to Ohio’s skills gap challenge
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